Follow along with the video above or read the instructions below to learn how you can set parental controls on your families Netflix account.
- Go to and log in using the admin username and password. The settings can only be changed by the administrator on the account, which is the person set up to pay for the account.
- Once you are in the account profile, click on the drop down arrow in the upper right hand corner of the Netflix screen, and select "Your Account."
- This will take you to a page that details your account information. Under the "Settings" header, click on "Parental Controls" where you will be prompted to enter your Netflix password to continue.
- Next, in the field titled "PIN," enter a four-digit numeric PIN and select a specific show rating that requires the PIN. Be sure to click save. Remember, anyone who knows the pin will be able to watch whatever they want, so make sure to keep the PIN private!
- Once you have parental controls set, you can limit an individual profile to only child-appropriate shows. This is only password-protected if parental controls are turned on.
The administrator can change the settings for all of the profiles on the account and will receive an email from Netflix every time restrictions are edited.
*Video and parental control guidelines were created by